home for Hydraulic Parts, Hydraulic Adapters, Fittings and more.
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How will my order ship and when will it arrive? Once you place your order you will receive an email stating that your order has been submitted successfully and is being processed by our fulfillment department. Due to the low price and high quality of our die-cast replicas our fulfillment department must process and ship hundreds of orders everyday. Stock Orders are shipped from our warehouse within 48-72 hours, Out-of-Stock Items, Pre-Orders or Club Merchandise are shipped according to schedules that are specified in the original orders. If your order weighs less than one pound it will be shipped by Standard Mail (4th Class) and your order will arrive within 4 to 7 days from the date of your order confirmation. If your order weighs more than one pound it is shipped by Priority Mail and will arrive within 2 to 7 days (from the date of your order confirmation).

Shipping Note: Domestic
Orders placed for items in stock may take from 2 to 7 days to arrive
depending on your local postal service. The average delivery time for
domestic delivery is 10 to 14 days. Items on backorder, may affect delivery
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